Home > Meditations > Poetry for Spring

One positive at this time is the really beautiful spring – aided by much lower levels of pollution.

Our good friend Karen Rodgers has been making good use of this time doing nature photography with her family, and translating poetry (see below)…

German Romantic poetry has a real capacity to contemplate nature – nature which is, of course, God’s creation, where God is present, and through which He brings us so much healing.

Here’s an example from Joseph von Eichendorff (1788-1857).


Welcoming in the Spring
In the blaze of morning light
a mountain stands aglow
and from the very summit
a pine tree watches over all below.

And on the very topmost branch
I stand and gaze wonderingly around;
Oh world, you lovely world
Your blossoming and burgeoning astound.”

Es steht ein Berg in Feuer,
In feurigem Morgenbrand,
Und auf des Berges Spitze
Ein Tannbaum überm Land.

Und auf dem höchsten Wipfel
Steh ich und schau vom Baum,
O Welt, du schöne Welt, du,
Man sieht dich vor Blüten kaum!”

Joseph von Eichendorff