Home > Becoming a Dominican Friar

If you feel drawn to a shared life of preaching, prayer, and study, witnessing to the Gospel through voluntary poverty, chastity, and obedience, then we invite you to explore with us whether God is calling you to join us in the Order of Preachers or the wider Dominican family.

If you think that God might be calling you to become a Dominican friar, and to give your life to our preaching mission, you are warmly invited to look at the vocations pages on our Province website and to contact the Promoter for Vocations in England and Scotland, Fr Joseph Bailham OP. Entrants must be twenty-one years of age or above, and have been a Roman Catholic for at least two years, but every faith journey is different, and some men who are discerning a Dominican vocation begin this exploration with us a number of years before they actually enter the noviciate.

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