Stations of the Cross
every Friday of Lent at ca. 6.50 pm, after Vespers (6.30).
Question Box
is back again! Do you have questions about the Catholic Faith and the Church, but perhaps don’t feel comfortable asking them? You can put them anonymously in the black question box on the table downstairs, using the slip provided. We’ll have answers and discussion next Sunday 26th March at 10 am, after the 9.15 Mass, finishing in time for the 11 am Mass.
The Jean Grove Trust
is a charity registered at Blackfriars, Cambridge which funds education in Ethiopia through direct links with specific schools. Next Sunday 26th March there will be a second collection for the Jean Grove Trust. Thank you for your generosity.
St John of God (SJOG) Homes for Ukraine
is an official provider of the government scheme. It is a matching, training and support pathway for guests from Ukraine and hosts in the UK willing to provide much-needed support. Our programme is run collaboratively by Saint John of God Hospitaller Services (SJOG) and Caritas Social Action Network (CSAN) and some of our team have come to the UK as part of the Scheme and bring first-hand experience of the process.
there will be a webinar for UK residents interested in hosting a Ukrainian guest or family under the Homes for Ukraine scheme on Wednesday, March 29, at 7 pm. https://fb.me/e/N9EtGqhe
And Philip Berthoud’s musical settings of the poetry of Servant of God John Bradburne
chaplain of a community of lepers at Mutemwa in Zimbabwe and martyr. All proceeds go to the Mutemwa community.
The Thought Expressed