All are welcome to join us for our public celebration of the Liturgy.
Sunday – 7.45am Lauds | 8.15am Low Mass | 9.15am Dominican Rite Mass (Extraordinary Form) | 11am Sung Conventual Mass | 6pm Low Mass | 7pm Vespers.
Monday – Friday – 7am Lauds | 7.30am Conventual Mass | 6.15pm Devotions and Meditation | 6.30pm Vespers. [N.B. First Fridays of the month, Vespers in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament with a period of Adoration from 6.15pm.]
Saturday – 9am Lauds | 9.30am Conventual Mass | 6.15pm Sung Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary | 6.30pm Vespers.