Dr. George Corbett of the University of St. Andrews, Sr Valery and Sr Mary Magdalene will be running this year’s Cephas course on the topic of Human Nature, Gender and Identity, to be held from 25th-28th August at the Stonyhurst Christian Heritage Center. This course will explore how Thomas Aquinas’s anthropology provides the framework for the Church’s understanding of what and who the human person is. There will be philosophy and theology workshops, evening talks with good wine, and plenty of time for discussion. There will also be the opportunity to participate in a daily liturgy together. For more information, contact eventsATchristianheritagecentre.com or book online at https://christianheritagecentre.com/events/cephas-course/
At long last, Blackfriars is in a position to refurbish our public toilets.
As part of this work we would also provide full disability access, with a proper level access external door in front of the lift and automatically opening doors into the chapel and cloister (from the lift area).
The assignment of the toilets would change:
- The downstairs Gentlemen’s toilet would become the Ladies’ toilet.
- The 1st floor and downstairs unisex toilets would both become disability access toilets. Both would be provided with baby changing tables too.
- Both would become one single cubicle each, so would be usable only by only one person at a time, or one adult accompanying a baby or small child.
We welcome your views and suggestions: please email them to the Bursar, Fr Dominic, at cambridge.bursarATenglish.op.org
We would also be very grateful for any donations to this project. You can do so online, including a Gift Aid declaration if you are a UK taxpayer, at http://www.blackfriarscambridge.org.uk/donate-now/